Sunday, October 24, 2010

sunday funday

It's fall, and while many of our fall days thus far have felt a bit more like wintery ones, today is quite nice.  As an added treat, I was surprised with Mimosas this morning...along with little sausages and toast.  Yum!

Though it is a beautiful day out, I'm trying to get some of the last kinks worked out on my new website (and this here little blog!).  I also have many other projects to be working on, but the thought of wrapping this up and having a nice new shiny pretty website to tell the world about is pretty darn exciting, and therefore, stay inside worthy, even on the sunniest of days.

The yelloh! design website will primarily be an outlet for me to showcase finished design projects and, hopefully, one day drum up more freelance work.  Most recently, I have been helping out Once and Future Kings with their website and a bit of marketing.  Working with them has given me an opportunity to experiment on various levels and has reminded me how much I enjoy the whole branding and promotional aspect of design.

While my website will show off my skills (ha!), I intend for my blog to be a fun-filled exploration into all the things that I love.  Perhaps a little bit of inspiration, some behind the scenes insight to various projects, and a few random words thrown into the mix will make for a blog that's worthy to come back to every now and then.  What do you think?

Currently listening to Once and Future Kings live -- yes, live!, they're in the other room practicing!