Tuesday, October 26, 2010

lucy still on the ground

I decided about a week and a half ago to dress up as Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds for Halloween, and, of course, in true artistic spirit, nothing less than handcrafted will do.  I ordered a pair of amazing sunglasses from High Horse Vintage on Etsy (they came all the way from London...so awesome!), yet my dress is currently like a raincloud hanging over my head.  I've been procrastinating a little bit with it because I've been doubting my fine sewing skills, but now I only have a few days left!  

I did find these lovely baubles at Ornamentea and will be crafting some diamond inspired jewelry for my costume and a flowery headband.  I'll post photos shortly...I've about got the necklaces finished.

Oh, and before I forget, yesterday I spent some time creating a flickr account.  I'll probably feature most of my images on the site and perhaps throughout the blog, but take a look if you wish.  So far, I've uploaded images of flyers I've done for OFK.  More to come soon.

Currently listening to the tv in the other room.  It's late.