Thursday, May 5, 2011

dead lions and such

For nearly two years, Once and Future Kings has gathered at my house to jam, collaborate, and experiment.  Sometimes (only sometimes), I'll admit, the thought of practice echoing throughout the house is not exactly exciting, yet I always find myself singing along, enjoying it.

The guys have been getting reviews this past week for the release of their new album, Dead Lions; while I cannot contend with some of the amazing articles summarizing their work, I will say that the album is pretty damn phenomenal.  It is also free, so you have no excuse not to get it -- right now, get it!

OFK played their album release show at Slim's Downtown this past Saturday night to a great crowd of friends, family, and newcomers.  I was personally pretty excited that The Secret Carrboro Ninja Patrol not only gave the fellas a fantastic album review, but they selected the flier I designed as "Current Favorite Concert Poster."  Thanks Secret Ninja!  

The guys are already back at it again tonight practicing -- more show dates and gig fliers to come.  Meanwhile, check out Triangle Live for another superb review and if you caught an Indy last week, look for their write up in the music section.  Also, GO DOWNLOAD THE NEW ALBUM!

Currently listening to OFK, of course.  (I do listen to other bands sometimes.)