Tuesday, March 1, 2011

let's play catch (up)

Before I get to anything else, props are in order for the Halloween costumes I worked so hard on -- yes, four months ago!  It's been awhile and those costumes were just the beginning of a time consuming avalanche of busy-ness.  So, without further ado, Lucy in the Sky and I am the Walrus.
Like Halloween, Christmas and New Year's celebrations were great, yet passed all too quickly (though I did get to wear my dress again).  A few resolutions managed to stick around though -- clean house, collect wine, finish projects.  However,  for the past two weeks my gym resolution has been slacking and, clearly, I entirely left out resolving to update this here little blog.  Alas, today is the first of a yet another month and there's nothing wrong with a fashionably late resolution. 

I have been working on quite a bit at work and home (and some work at home), so keep an eye out for some amazing photos of all of it, including an incredible booth design created for an urban chic wedding show.  

Currently, I'm working on a linoleum block print and will release a limited edition print run soon.  Here's a little sneak peek.   I've got some other ideas I may be carving soon as well. 
Also, we'll be signing a new lease this week, so there will be some fun decorating opportunities coming up in about a month!  Ideas are dancing all through my head, especially for my art studio/office which will be right off of our loft space where my easel will have a nice sunny home.  Oh my, I cannot wait to paint and arrange everything!

It's going to be a crazy couple of months... 

Currently listening to the fellas practice -- Once and Future Kings